Jesus tells us in Matthew 22:37 that we are to 'Love the Lord our God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is like it: we are to 'Love our neighbor as our self.', and as I get closer to God these words continually resonate within, so much so that I constantly remind our congregation of Jesus’ word during our communion Sunday's. But about two weeks ago as I woke up God spoke these words to me; God let me know that until one really learns how to love and serve one can never fully comprehend who He is. This let me know that there should be pleasure in serving with much gratitude, because I want to get to know God more and more each day.
A new post will be up next Saturday. . .
But who are you serving? Man or Jesus? I understand that you are supposed to treat your neighbor kind, but how much are you supposed to serve without feeling like your being taken advantage of?