Every week a post will appear from a different member of Jesus Saves Back to Life Ministries; we hope you find comfort, peace, and inspiration.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Reading Between The Lines

Reading the bible can be a rewarding as well as confusing experience. Different versions use different words and often we find meaning lost in translation.

For believers in Christ, as well as Christianities critics I always recommend they read the text from beginning to end before forming opinions. It helps if you wish to understand and defend what you believe in and vice versa.

While reading, allow your heart and mind to open to the teachings. Lessons learned centuries ago taught in the bible are still applicable today, even with the complications of technology and ever advancing science.

Murder, jealousy, betrayal, love, and compassion are constructs of the human condition that are inescapable. Let us look to the wisdom of HIS word to re-order our own lives.

A new post will be up next Saturday. . .

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Facing Doubt

Who is God? Why does God exist; does HE exist? Where does God reside?

These are questions that we can only answer within our own hearts. In order for the answers to be undeniable, you cannot get them from anyone else, any text or scripture. You need to search yourself.

For me, God is the means to my survival, HE exists for to love, and HE resides in my heart.

Sometimes doubt creeps in, but instead of running from the doubt, you must face into it. If you put your back to a wind that opposes you and let it push you, you get further and further away from your destination. But if you fight, if you face into the wind and come to terms with your beliefs and you get closer to the ultimate goal; living a life that reflects HIS glory.

Peoples judgement on your spirituality shouldn't matter; at the end of the day, we all reside within ourselves and need to come to terms with ourselves after everyone is gone and we are alone.

A new post will be up next Saturday. . .

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Live Life More Abundantly

The Bible teaches us in Galatians 6:9 that we should not get weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not. But what do you do when you're good is spoken evil of? What do you do when you do get weary, because life can sometimes weigh us down?

Sickness comes, financial hardships come, friends and even family can sometimes forsake you, and you begin to ask the question is my labor in vain. But I think the Apostle Paul sheds some light for us when we find ourselves ready to throw in the towel. He tells us in Phil 3:14, to press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling.

A press tells us that it will not be easy. But we have an example in Jesus Christ who finished the race; Christ went all the way to the cross just to redeem us. So when you feel like giving up just remember in this time of Lent what Christ did for us. He died so that we could live life more abundantly.

I feel comforted by this.

A new post will be up next Saturday. . .

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Love and Faithfulness

Proverbs 3:

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.

What does bitterness get you in life? The weight of a bitter heart is more than anyone should bear. It colors your world in pessimism and and hatred. It taints our decision making and hinders our growth.

Lack of faith is lack hope; lack of the ability to draw from you inner spirituality to believe in what is not seen.

Never forget that love and faithfulness have guided those in your life who have supported and nurtured you; pay it forward.

A new post will be up next Saturday. . .